


What It Is

This is playing around with some stuff provided by Google, in part what they call "Google Apps".

What Google says about Google Apps: Google Apps will let your members communicate and work together online, all for free. Google Apps lets you offer email, instant messaging, and calendar accounts on your own domain name.

I thought Google Apps was going to be features to incorporate into the existing Chappell Famly Website. Turns out that's not the case. It seems rather to be aimed at getting you to build your website on Google.

Well, what I'm trying to do is make the Chappell Famly Website and Google Apps complementary, by making use of what the WWW is built on: links.

The following is just some Latin filler. We web designers use this to fill in space, for visualization of how a web page is shaping up. It doesn't have anything to do with Chappells, that I know of.

"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

Suspendisse potenti. Ut nonummy, felis et euismod convallis, dolor libero vulputate metus, et tempor eros mauris non nibh. Donec sodales, felis eu elementum commodo, elit felis dignissim justo, eget hendrerit erat tellus sit amet sem. Praesent sapien. In convallis vehicula urna. Proin quis velit ut ligula adipiscing tempor. Proin aliquet, nisi at dapibus tincidunt, est lacus commodo neque, nec aliquam arcu mi sed ante. Sed ac nunc hendrerit leo iaculis interdum. Duis condimentum neque at eros. Pellentesque quis metus. Maecenas volutpat mollis mauris. Mauris at turpis. Nam sed turpis. Integer vestibulum. Sed ullamcorper aliquam tellus. Pellentesque turpis sapien, pharetra nec, placerat a, tincidunt pretium, ante.

What? You were expecting Shakespeare?